Atmospheric distillation unit and vacuum distillation tools, highway paving asphalt oxidation unit, viscosity breaking unit, de-waxing unit, blending unit and many others. basic refining equipment. Asphalt tanks, Heat exchanger, Laboratory testing equipment for refineries. 2. Industrial tools corresponding to gas compressors, cooling towers, mechanical pumps, oil filling stations, fuel stations etc.. Cooling tower and heating furnace, Air station, LPG Compressor, Excessive Purity Nitrogen Generator(P.S.A) 3. Used oil re-refining plant for mini refineries from 50TPD to 500TPD, recycling used oil in to base lube oil or catalytic diesel as per used oil properties and customer requirement. Mini- refinery for used oil re-refining. 4. Offering service for hydro-refining from petrol and diesel oil, catalytic reforming, hydro upgrading from diesel oil, hydrogenation from wax oil and coal tar, selective hydrogenation from catalytic gasoline, gasoline fractionation, MTBE and methanol synthesis, waste industrial oil re-refining. 5. Offering consulting service in petrochemical industry, together with process, tools, projects construction and so on..