From Crude Oil – How Oil Refining Works

The Humber Refinery is situated in Northern Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. The crude oil it processes is provided primarily from the North Sea and consists of light-, low- and medium-sulfur and acidic crude oils. Humber generates a large proportion of gasoline, diesel and aviation fuels. Its fluid catalytic cracking unit/thermal cracking/coking configuration allows substantial volumes of other feedstocks, corresponding to low-sulfur fuel oil and vacuum gasoline oil, to be processed alongside crude oil to fully use Humber conversion capability.

小泻芯谢褜泻芯 褋褌芯懈谢邪 褉邪蟹褉邪斜芯褌泻邪 谢芯谐芯褌懈锌芯胁 斜褉械薪写芯胁 - 小褌褉邪薪懈褑邪 2 懈蟹Humber has two coking items with related calcining plants that upgrade the heavy bottoms and imported feedstocks into gentle oil products and specialty graphite and anode grade petroleum coke. Approximately 70 percent of the sunshine oils produced within the refinery are marketed within the United Kingdom, with the other products exported worldwide.


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