Best Aerospace Careers To 2017 AD

Business and Employment
Best Aerospace Careers To 2050 AD
Updated on May 21, 2016 Patty Inglish moreMs. Inglish is an award-winning Employment jq(‘#hide_route_40342183’).show(); jq(‘#route_options_40342183’).show(); showRouteAndDirections(40342183); return false;” id=”show_route_40342183″>show route and directionshide route and directionsShow driving directionswalking directionsbicycling directions with distances in mileskilometers

Petrochemical Supply Chain- Planning

Brownsville TX – Brownsville, TX, USA Kennedy Space Center – Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899, USA “lat”:27.245323,”lng”:-89.073235,”zoom”:5,”mapType”:”ROADMAP”,”markers”:[“id”:80499,”lat”:”25.901747″,”lng”:”-97.497482″,”name”:”Brownsville TX”,”address”:”Brownsville, TX, USA”,”description”:””,”id”:80500,”lat”:”28.572872″,”lng”:”-80.648979″,”name”:”Kennedy Space Center”,”address”:”Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899, USA”,”description”:””] Restaurants At the End of the Universe
In the early 1970s, the parent company of Ponderosa Steakhouses in Dayton, Ohio purchased or leased the first restaurant spot to be reserved on a US space station, but the Russian space station MIR (either “World” or “Peace” in translation) was first to go up.

The Ponderosa contract expired before either the Russian space station could offer room for it or the International Space Station could be completed. The ISS still had no room aboard for a restaurant, although it received its first espresso machine in 2015, some 40 years later when many of the steakhouses had closed.

As a result, the only restaurants in space at the start of the 21st century have been the fictitious Restaurant at the End of the Universe, by Douglass Adams and one that was likely in the space hotel of The Great Glass Elevator by Roald Dahl, the canteen in Star Wars, Quark’s on Deep Space Nine, and a few memorable others.

With the advent of restaurants and hotels in space, Hospitality and Accommodations jobs will join space travel occupations in the Space Tourism Industry. This is all a branch of the Aviation and Aerospace Industry, which boomed in 2015 with a contract between Boeing and China for commercial airplanes. Pilots are suddenly in short supply. Although they pay well, these pilot jobs are among the most dangerous jobs available.

Right this way, your table’s waiting. | Source Research Helps Ensure Future Space Jobs
From 2015 – 2016, Astronaut and ISS Commander Scott Kelly spent a year in space with a colleague from Russia, Cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko. Hundreds of experiments and measurements were conducted to learn about the long term effects of space travel on the human body. All of this is necessary if humans are to pursue careers in outer space and related jobs on the ground.

Source Spaceport Florida Upgraded
The founder of, Jeff Bezos, announced on 9/15/2015 that he will build a rocket manufacturing plant with Blue Origins company next to the Kennedy Space Center and to rebuild a Cape Canaveral Launch Site, competing with Elon Musk’s SpaceX company. The space center and launch complex are part of one of America’s spaceports that are open for business.

Jeff Bezo Becomes Rocket Manufacturing Leader In Florida
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Cape Canaveral – Cape Canaveral, FL, USA Kennedy Space Center – Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899, USA “lat”:28.482584,”lng”:-80.628349,”zoom”:10,”mapType”:”ROADMAP”,”markers”:[“id”:79318,”lat”:”28.392218″,”lng”:”-80.607712″,”name”:”Cape Canaveral”,”address”:”Cape Canaveral, FL, USA”,”description”:””,”id”:79319,”lat”:”28.572872″,”lng”:”-80.648979″,”name”:”Kennedy Space Center”,”address”:”Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899, USA”,”description”:”Blue Origins rocket manufacturing center.”] Space Elevator Operators
In the 1930s, the job of elevator operator was very important, but those jobs disappeared with self-serve elevators. Today, we need space elevator operators.

Thoth Technology has developed a space elevator that shuttles payloads up the outside or the inside of a tall cylindrical elevator shaft to a point above the drag that spacecraft would normally feel from the Earth and its atmosphere. This is a big cost saver.

The Canadian company in Pembroke received a US grant to further develop and put into use their space elevator.

Thoth Technology is to build a 12-mile high tower for its space elevator in Canada.
Pembroke, Ontario – Pembroke, ON, Canada “lat”:45.045052,”lng”:-77.950478,”zoom”:5,”mapType”:”ROADMAP”,”markers”:[“id”:78701,”lat”:”45.826653″,”lng”:”-77.110886″,”name”:”Pembroke, Ontario”,”address”:”Pembroke, ON, Canada”,”description”:””] Source Exciting, High Paying Aerospace Career Fields
The career fields and occupations in aviation and aerospace may be divided into the following sectors:

Aviation – Private and Government

Aerospace Exploration and Transportation

Aerospace Defense

Aerospace Tourism: Emerging career field: 2000 – 2030. Careers and jobs parallel to the aircraft travel and tourism sector are needed in this emerging industry, as well as the work of professionals other Aerospace divisions.


Aircraft – Air Transportation and Defense; Airplanes, Helicopters, and Experimental Aircraft

Asteroid Mining Engineers and Crew


Astronauts, Private and Public

Astronomy, Space margin:0px !important;” /> SpaceShipOne – SpaceShipTwo
Paul Allen’s SpaceShipOne was the first privately-funded spaceship able to reach and maintain height of suborbital space – twice in five days. It was the grand prize winner of the Ansari X-Prize in 2004 and $10,000,000.

The much-sought X-Prize commemorated the a $25,000 prize purse claimed by Charles Lindbergh when he flew the first solo transatlantic flight, from New York City to Paris in 1927.

Seventy-seven years later, man flew private spacecraft into the suborbital regions, opening the way for private sector space freight and space tourism. To this end, Richard Branson works with Team SpaceShipOne and SpaceShipTwo and newer models for the space travel firm Virgin Galactic.

Paul Allen’s Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame is a testament to the dreams and drive of individuals who could imagine space travel even in the 1800s. Science fiction or futurist thought often leads to science fact. It is a drawing board of the mind and literature, an architecture for the future. related to this, the opening montage of the television series Enterprise, set to song in Faith of the Heart is a tribute to that dreaming and drive.

Engineer Homer Hickam – Creator of Rocket Boys/October Sky
Major Occupational Divisions
Three categories of occupations are the most visibly increasing and will continue to increase in jobs created and offered through 2016. Given the emergence and rise of private sector space flight and exploration , we can expect to see a surge in new jobs within these categories through 2040 or beyond, if the private sector continues to develop and expand.

Aerospace Engineers are individuals that design, develop, and test aircraft, including spacecraft, and missiles and oversee the manufacture of all of these. The aeronautical engineers are concerned with aircraft and astronautical engineers with spacecraft. Looking at numbers and types of related job openings and results of successful job resumes and applications, I find that both types of engineers under this heading are finding jobs in the airplane and spacecraft engine manufacturing business.

Aerospace engineers provide new technologies for aviation, defense systems, and space exploration. Some of them specialize in 1) structural design, 2) guidance, navigation and control systems and parts, 3) instrumentation and communication devices, components, and systems,and 4) production methods.

Some aerospace engineers specialize in a specific line, including 1) commercial aircraft, 2) military fighter jets, 3) helicopters, 4) spacecraft, or 5) missiles and rockets. For example, one could specialize in instruments and communications in spacecraft or guidance systems for missiles. Other areas of specialty can include acoustics, aerodynamics, celestial mechanics, propulsion, and thermodynamics.

These engineers need at least a bachelor’s degree and may require a masters or PhD for some endeavors. They also need an engineering license from their US state or District of Columbia. Growth in Aerospace Engineering jobs will provide 10% or more new jobs through 2016 and will expand further as commercial spaceflight gains credence and practicality. Space Exploration and Defense initiatives in the US Government will also provide positive impact on job increases. Median salaries in 2006 were over $87,000 and salaries topped out at over $125,000.

Engineers from other fields cross over into Aerospace, including Chemical, Civil, Biomedical, Electrical, Industrial, Environmental, Materials, Mechanical, Nu, Petroleum, Plastics, and Safety. For these purposes, Architects can can also be considered engineers for Aerospace and the Aviation/Aerospace Drafters their technicians.

Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technicians build, test, and repair width:520px;height:250px” data-ad-client=”ca-pub-0893946348091057″ data-ad-host=”pub-6958755572607374″> Related
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sendingJana Murray 8 years ago from Waves, NC

This is great! I will email this to my 16 old, she will love it!

Wonderful! All the best to her and to you.


Hmm. Are eels welcome in the various training programs? I happen to know a few. I also know a few people who believe the moon landing was a hoax, filmed at Crater National Park.

Eels disguised with the Tasha Yar Blond Bob will make it into the programs, no sweat. They will be trained to build the Space Eevator by using their pogo sticks to jump up the structure little by little.

By the by, ASTROLAND in Coney Island just closed down this week and we can grab it up for Gravy World Space Adventure portal through the Potus BlackHole of B.T. Evilpants.

B.T. Evilpants 8 years ago from Hell, MI

Patty, I have had my eye on Astroland for some time now. I was just waiting for the right moment.

moba – I’m glad you like it!

BT – I might have known. 🙂 How much are you paying, or will they pay you?

meteoboy 8 years ago from GREECE


Thanks very much. This is a very interesting and fun topic. 🙂

AuthorPatty Inglish 8 years ago from North America

October 3, 2008

Astronaut’s diary goes on display in Jerusalem – By SHAWNA OHM, Associated Press Writer.

JERUSALEM – Pages from an Israeli astronaut’s diary that survived the explosion of the Columbia shuttle and a 37-mile fall to earth are going on display this weekend for the first time in Jerusalem. The diary belonged to Ilan Ramon, Israel’s first astronaut and one of seven crew members killed when Columbia disintegrated upon re-entering the atmosphere on Feb. 1, 2003. Part of the restored diary will be displayed at the Israel Museum beginning Sunday.

A little over two months after the shuttle explosion, NASA searchers found 37 pages from Ramon’s diary, wet and crumpled, in a field just outside the U.S. town of Palestine, Texas. The diary survived extreme heat in the explosion, extreme atmospheric cold, and then “was attacked by microorganisms and insects” in the field where it fell, said museum curator Yigal Zalmona. “It’s almost a miracle that it survived – it’s incredible,” Zalmona said. There is “no rational explanation” for how it was recovered when most of the shuttle was not, he said.…

This is good! As an aircraft mechanic, I applaud this.

You are in a good career field, especially since aerospace business is about to expand significantly.

The Oz 3 years ago from The Outer Zone

Indeed. I’m an engineering student now, so this is an exciting time.

AuthorPatty Inglish 3 years ago from North America

Engineers are geniuses! Much success to you.


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